For The Visionary Business Owner With All The Ideas

But no more time, energy or resources to bring them to life!

Your mind races with ambitious and grand ideas for your business, but you’ve been operating at full capacity for way too long, often going beyond what you had to spare.

And while your business still leans on you for support, you’re more aware than ever of the importance of finding ways that will get you working smarter not harder.

Hey, I'm Kirsty!

And I’m here to help you to not only conquer that mountain of ideas and transform them into real, tangible achievements…

But simplify your current strategies and adopt a hack-like systematic approach to your business. 

Kind Words

"I have increased my workload but decreased my stress!"

I spin a lot of a plates and sometimes they crash. Which is why I reached out to Kirsty who showed me what I should be doing in my business. I now have more clients, I’m doing more delivery but I’m actually doing far less behind the scenes!

Jane Pettit - Trainer & Coach

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Everything that's happening to you right now is telling you that...

It’s Not Possible To Scale Without Sacrifice

Because at the minute you’re unable to focus on strategic planning and execution due to the day-to-day demands of running your business.

You’ve grown hesitant to trust anyone else with the core responsibilities of your business because no one knows your business better than you do!

You need brain space and desire to learn or implement something new and that although you know is going to help to improve the way you work you’ve none of it available to you right now!

And let’s be honest you’ve probably spent a fortune on Virtual Assistants too that just seemingly ‘haven’t really worked out’!

Everything that's happening to you right now is telling you that...

It’s Not Possible To Scale Without Sacrifice

Because at the minute you’re unable to focus on strategic planning and execution due to the day-to-day demands of running your business.

You’ve grown hesitant to trust anyone else with the core responsibilities of your business because no one knows your business better than you do!

You need brain space and desire to learn or implement something new and that although you know is going to help to improve the way you work you’ve none of it available to you right now!

And let’s be honest you’ve probably spent a fortune on Virtual Assistants too that just ‘haven’t really worked out’!

but There is A Solution...

You've just not found the right person for you or your business.. yet!

I know that despite your best efforts, it feels like searching for a needle in a haystack to find someone who truly gets your vision and can seamlessly fit into your team.

These “quick hits” that you once had the time to learn and implement, might have provided temporary relief, but they are increasingly consuming as your business grows.

You’re not really up for learning anything new either; you just want someone to grab your ideas, tell you what they need, and make things happen with what you already know works for scaling.

How would you feel if you had the ability to...

Do your thing while your business continues to operate seamlessly in the background?

I know you’re craving that sense of relief, a better work-life balance and a reduction of stress.

That you’d give anything to know that your business is in capable hands and that you can wholeheartedly rely on those around you.

To rekindle both the motivation and enthusiasm you once did have for the business and its potential without feeling resentment.

Not forgetting a more balanced and fulfilling life that will allow you to start re-enjoying the simple pleasures and precious moments that often get overlooked in the hustle and bustle of entrepreneurship.

Ways You Can Work With Me

and that will Help You Go From Sacrifice to Balanced Fulfilment

Streamline Your Strategy Sessions

A supercharged Strategy Session offering you tailor-made strategic insights and growth solutions based on YOUR business and YOUR needs.

Online Business Management packages

From done-for-you project work to ongoing management retainers; these packages are designed to be the ultimate solution to make your life easier and your business more successful.

virtual assistant support

Already know what you need? Let us help you build an ADHD-friendly team environment.

Ways You Can Work With Me

and that will Help You Go From Sacrifice to Balanced Fulfilment

Streamline Your Strategy Sessions

A 90 minute supercharged Strategy Session offering you tailor-made strategic insights and growth solutions based on YOUR business and YOUR needs.

Online Business Management & Implementation Packages

From done-for-you project work to ongoing management retainers; these packages are designed to be the ultimate solution to make your life easier and your business more successful.

Virtual Assistant Mentoring

Whether you’re starting from scratch or seeking to enhance your existing skills, my Virtual Assistant mentorship will be the compass that leads you toward lasting success.

Kind Words

"I was sat on a gold mine only it was full of chaos!"

[Kirsty] really is the expert at looking at my business and knowing what is needed to tighten up and create a professional flow of value and paid coaching services for my audience

Lisa McMurtry - Coach & Coach Trainer

Things I can Help You Achieve:

Profitably Productive

I can help you make the most out of your limited time and resources, resulting not only in increased profitability but a more rewarding business experience too! 

We’ll look to also optimise your resource allocation too meaning we get you out of the weeds and into the realm of strategic decision-making and growth!

Efficient Delivery

Don’t you wish things could just be a bit easier? Efficient delivery not only delights your customers but gives you a competitive edge too.

It’s a strategic move that not only saves time, energy and costs but also sets the stage for unprecedented success and sustainability.

Smart Marketing

Experience the game-changing impact of smart marketing as a business owner, where data-driven strategies, innovative technology, and streamlined marketing efforts ensure consistent messaging and drives consistent results. 

While also automating repetitive tasks and simplifying complex processes to save you both time and effort!

Streamlined Sales

Unlock the benefits of streamlined sales in your business to revolutionise your revenue generation, productivity, and customer satisfaction. 

With optimised processes, launch support and a proactive approach, you’ll experience increased efficiency, faster sales cycles, and a consistent customer experience that fosters trust and loyalty.

How would it feel if you could keep the excitement and impact on your side...

As your Business Support Manager & Systems Strategist; I’m here to help you stay focused on the goal, execute your existing strategies in the most efficient way possible, and pave the way for success!

My approach is not only designed to help you identify revenue opportunities, optimise your operations, and implement strategies that generate sustainable growth…

But to also encompass your passion for adding value to the lives of your customers. And just like you are with your clients; I too am dedicated to supporting your journey of continuous improvement both personally and professionally.

Introducing Your 'Secret Business Partner'

Imagine having someone to hand that can just provide you with clear guidance and direction without having to organise it all yourself?

Sounds like a dream right? It’s not… I exist!

My aim is to provide you with the resources, insights, and tools necessary to turn your ideas into reality, empowering you to accomplish your goals with confidence.

Because I get the frustration of not achieving the desired results as quick as you would like or feeling like you’re constantly swimming against the tide!

It can be really disheartening but I get it… something has to give because right now you’re having to be everything to everyone!

join my mailing list

Get access to expert tips, advice, special offers and behind the scenes exclusives to support and grow your business.


The Perils of Shiny Object Syndrome!

It’s not that you lack the knowledge required to succeed or know what you need to do; it’s that you can’t do it all and the temptation to be sidetracked to complete more appealing endeavours is becoming increasingly stronger with each passing day.

I get it – the urge to constantly improve and better yourself is strong. And that’s ok to a degree!

But when the allure of learning new things is just too enticing too often; it means you’re likely neglecting the tried-and-true strategies that are already at your disposal.

It’s like opting for a fancy new treadmill when you already have a perfectly functional one collecting dust in the corner – it may feel more exciting, but it’s likely you’re just avoiding the work that needs to be done.

If you’re ready to put those shiny new skills into action and let me focus on implementing what you already know to achieve the results you want; I’m here to support you!

Why you need Intentional Action That Gets Results

Taking action and implementing effective systems, will not only allow us to simplify your business operations, optimise your time and resources, and ultimately drive growth and success…

But they also give you:

Maintain better focus by providing clear guidelines and steps to follow. This minimises distractions and allows for increased productivity.

Systems enable better organisation of tasks, documents, and information, making it easier to find what you need when you need it. This reduces the stress and anxiety associated with overwhelm and disorganisation.

Systems help you prioritise tasks based on importance and urgency, ensuring that you allocate your time and energy effectively.

PLUS they allow for easier delegation of tasks to team members, freeing up your mental space!

By creating streamlined systems, you can automate repetitive processes, saving time and reducing the likelihood of errors. This increases efficiency and frees you up to focus on more critical aspects of your business.

Systems promote consistency in your business operations, ensuring that tasks are performed in a standardised manner. This leads to higher quality outputs and a more reliable customer experience.

Being a business owner can sometimes lead to feeling overwhelmed by the multitude of tasks and responsibilities. Implementing systems helps break things down into manageable chunks, reduce overwhelm and provide you with a clear path (and to-do list!) to take you forward.

Systems (and me!) often come with built-in accountability mechanisms, making it easier to track progress, deadlines, and responsibilities. This increases personal accountability and helps you stay on track.

By establishing effective systems, you create a foundation for sustainable growth and success. These systems can be refined and adapted over time, allowing your business to evolve while maintaining stability.

More about me!

I embarked on my entrepreneurial journey with a simple purpose: to create a business that revolves around my life (and my brilliant mind!), rather than having to mold my life to fit someone else’s business!

In 2018, I bid farewell to the corporate world when I found myself caught between the difficult choice of feeling like I had to prioritise either my career or my children.

After undergoing cognitive behavioral therapy and receiving a diagnosis of Generalised Anxiety Disorder, the story now brings us to 2023, where I am eagerly awaiting an official diagnosis of ADHD (you know how it goes!).

Throughout my whole life, I have developed coping mechanisms and strategies to effectively manage my symptoms, and whilst of course challenging; it kind of feels like second nature to me now!

So if you’re looking for someone who truly understands your unique way of operating and are in search of your very own “Mary Poppins” or you’re tired of cycling through virtual assistants like they’re going out of style because they simply don’t understand you, let’s chat!

The Secret Weapon You AND Your Online Business Didn't Know It Needed

I’ll not only fight inefficiencies, glitches, and digital marketing disasters but I’ll also be equipping you with the tools, strategies, and resources you need to succeed in your business and personal life despite your diagnosed, self diagnosed or common ADHD traits.

As your virtual superhero, I’m not just focused on fixing problems when they arise. I’m extremely proactive in helping you optimise your workflows, enhance your productivity, and develop the skills and habits that will help you thrive.

I swoop in to save the day and help small business owners conquer the online world with ease and efficiency.

There is also no “one size fits all” approach to the support both myself and/or my team provide. 

Although we do follow the Kaizen concept, I work closely with the business owner to identify their own needs and goals, and then develop a customised strategy to help achieve them in a way that works for you.

The support we provide could involve anything from streamlining operations and managing resources/people, to developing marketing/sales strategies and providing project based technical expertise and support.

3 Kinds Of Business Owners That Would Benefit From Working With Me

A solopreneur who struggles to stay on top of their client work and often misses deadlines

Worried about loosing clients whilst also feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with the risk of a drop in income and workload.

May struggle with prioritisation, estimating project timelines, or setting realistic expectations and boundaries making it difficult to stay on track and balance!

A service provider or coach who has a hard time focusing on their goals and often gets sidetracked by new ideas or opportunities.

Distracted by shiny objects and rarely following through to the end on a project.  May also be feeling stressed and anxious about the direction of their business. 

Could also lack the accountability and structure found in a traditional office environment. Needs regular check-ins or supervision to stay focused and motivated.

An overwhelmed visionary who is struggling to manage their time and stay organised.

May be feeling like they’re constantly putting out fires rather than making progress on his business goals and business development. 

Struggles with maintaining an organised workspace and digital environment. The pressure to meet deadlines, fulfill client expectations, create that work life blend they’ve always dreamt of is taking a toll on their well-being, impacting both their personal and professional life

More about Kirsty..

If you’re eager to bid farewell to guilt and welcome a life that’s filled with more balance and brilliance, then you’ve definitely landed in the right place!

Diving into entrepreneurship opened up a world where I could tailor my work life to fit my own vibe, celebrating what I do best.

Helping entrepreneurs play to their strengths and craft the ‘brain-first business’ of their dreams is what I’m all about.

And I’m here to help you turn those dreams and visions into reality, moving them from being buried in yet another notebook to becoming a part of your everyday life!

Kind Words

Kind Words

Kind Words

"Kirsty has proved an incredible asset to my business over the last few months"

After working with Kirsty, so many of my day to day operations are smoother and easier to use – and clients notice the difference too! I definitely wouldn’t be without Kirsty’s help at The Writing Coach. She is a joy to work with – helpful, efficient, insightful and deeply knowledgeable.

JAcqui Lofthouse - the writing coach

Let's Find Out

ADHD in Business

Business Tools

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Building a Team

What to outsource to a Virtual Assistant?